Top Tips for a Perfect Website

Top Tips for a Perfect Website

Making a website can be a tough job for those who don’t have experience in this field. Have you ever wondered how much time and energy goes into making a top-notch website?

We will give you some insight into the world of website development and the must haves to achieve the best website possible for your business. Although there are many different aspects to consider when building a website, below are what we feel are the top elements that every website should have to be successful.

Clear Site Navigation

If users cannot find what they are looking for quickly and easily on your website they will abort mission and go to another website that is easier to navigate. If a user cannot find what they are looking for almost straight away they will ‘bounce’ from site to site until they find the answer they are looking for.

For best practices, it is encouraged to use a three-click rule when building a website. This means that users should be able to find the content they are looking for within three clicks on your website.

Mobile-Friendly Design

With more and more users accessing websites via their mobile phones, it is important that your website is mobile friendly. If not, you risk losing potential business. The key advantages of having a mobile friendly site includes – Improved search visibility, Improved user experience, Increased lead generation and Improved brand identity. It is of upmost importance that your website is accessible to users wherever they are.

Did you know?

On average, over 60% of all website traffic originates from mobile devices?

Mobile-Friendly Design

Professional Photos

Having high quality professional photos on your website can make all the difference, professional photos showcase your brand and products in a good light. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words.

And this doesn’t mean that you have to spend money on a professional photographer, either. There are plenty of fantastic stock photos and copyright-free websites on the web that offer high-quality imagery that can be used across your website.

Fresh Content

Clear and concise website content is what sets you aside from your competitors. All good website content begins with research – research your target audience and determine how you are going to target them with relevant keywords within your content.

Having an SEO friendly website is very important for your business as most users would not normally scroll past the first page of search results. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) friendly websites increase organic traffic and help your website earn first page rankings.

Continually updating and adding to the volume of content on your website, such as new blog posts, is a great way to increase your SEO ranking.

Fresh Content

Reliable Website Hosting

Ensuring that you have a reliable hosting provider can make a big difference to the success or failure of your website. Make sure to choose a hosting provider who guarantees a high uptime, because, what good is having a fantastic website if it cannot be displayed online?

SSL Certificate

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is the standard security technology for establishing an encrypted link between a web server and a browser. This link ensures that all data passed between the web server and browsers remain private.

Why your website should be SSL Certified:

  • Improved Search Engine ranking
  • Data Security
  • Additional Authentication
  • Gaining Customer Trust
  • Protection from Phishing
SSL Certificate

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is one of the top, most powerful, free tools available for monitoring and analysing traffic on your website. It gives you an enormous amount of information about who is visiting your site, what they are looking for, and how they are getting to your site. Any business that wants to expand and grow their business on the internet should be using Google Analytics.

Google Analytics will show you numerous statistics, including:

  • how a user found your website;
  • what device they view your website on;
  • the flow in which they navigated your website;
  • which browsers your visitors use;
  • and if you have Google Search Console linked, it will showcase which keywords were used by visitors in the Google search engine.
Website Analytics

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