Microsoft Azure

What is Microsoft Azure?

In brief, Microsoft Azure is a public cloud computing platform. It provides businesses with a range of cloud services, such as storage, networking, development, analytics, and more. For a full list of Azure solutions, please visit the Microsoft website here.

Users can select from a list of Azure services and use these on an as-needed basis. It is a scalable solution that is primarily billed on a pay-as-you-go pricing model.

Interested in moving your business developments to Microsoft Azure? Contact us today to learn more about our migration process and pricing.

How does Microsoft Azure work?

Learn more about Microsoft Azure in a quick 2-minute video

Benefits of cloud migration

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    Reduce CostUtilising the Cloud exponentially reduces costs due to the lowered requirement of hardware within an organisation. With Cloud Computing, you simply pay as you go on a subscription based model – tailored to your needs.
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    FlexibilityAvailing of a cloud-based service provides your business with the flexibility to grow as your business grows. If the need arises to scale up – or down – this can be easily accomplished at the click of a button.
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    CollaborateIt provides your team with the facility to collaborate on documents together – at the same time and on any device. Collaboration on projects has never been easier!
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    AccessIt gives access to a wide range of applications which can be integrated into your system easily, updating themselves and making it a cost effective way to maintain, use and upgrade.
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    Storage CapacityStoring and accessing data in the Cloud is fast and secure, allowing backup and restore of files and eliminating worries about storage capacity.
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    SecurityApplications can be securely accessed from any computer or device in the world via internet connection.

Learn more about our Cloud Migration services.