Computer Security Day

Computer Security Day was introduced in 1988, at a time when computers were becoming common. As important and valuable data was stored on computers and servers, hackers began to target this data with viruses. Thus, online security began a priority towards the end of the decade.

How do we celebrate Computer Security Day?

We celebrate Computer Security Day by ensuring our computers, servers, and devices are secure and safe from hackers and other security risks. Below we list some of the best practices on how to keep your important data safe and secure.

  • Use strong passwordsA strong password consists of at least 16 characters, uppercase and lowercase characters, numbers, and symbols. You can check how secure your password is by visiting this website.
  • Don’t use the same password for every accountThis should go without saying, but it’s understandable that we tend to use one password for everything – mainly because it makes it easier for us to remember. Remember, if a hacker gains access to your password through one unsecure site, they now have access to all of your other accounts.

    If you find it difficult to create an remember multiple passwords (I mean, it can get pretty difficult when they have to be a certain length, etc.), you can use a password manager that uses one secure master password. Your password manager can then assist in creating and storing all of your account password.
  • Use Two-Factor AuthenticationTwo-Factor Authentication is an option readily available on most accounts/platforms. This is where you would add a secondary type of login. The most popular option is to add a phone number that your account can send a code by text to finalise your login.

    This offers your double the protection for your accounts. For example, if a hacker got your password, they would still need your Two-Factor code to gain access to your account.
  • Make sure your computer software and programs are up to dateDevelopers are constantly pushing updates and prompting you to upgrade to the latest version. The main reason for this is to ensure that your software isn’t vulnerable to security threats. So upgrade to the latest OS, update that program, and protect your computer and devices.
  • Have up-to-date malware protectionIt may seem the most obvious, but it is something that is most overlooked. Installing anti-virus software gives you a bit more piece of mind as well as protects you against potential threats.

    Bluescope offers Anti-Virus protection for only €4.00 per month.
  • Don’t open email attachments from unknown email addressesSpam and phishing is rampant and we all receive unsolicited emails from time to time. Phishing emails have become smarter as the years go by. It may look like Netflix actually is writing to you to update your billing information, when in reality it could be a ploy to get your bank details.

    When in doubt, we always recommend visiting the actual website to view notices and alerts – instead of clicking links or opening attachments. More often that not, a company will not ask you for any billing information via email.
  • Store your data in the CloudBy storing your data in the Cloud, you are not only locking your data away from prying eyes, but you are also keeping it safe in the event of a disaster. For example, if your computer were to break in the morning and you had all your files stored locally on your computer, would you be able to retrieve it? By having your data in the cloud, you can log on to any device to access your important files and folders.

For an in-depth guide on how seniors can protect themselves from falling victim to scams, you can read more on Retire Guide’s website.