Why you Should Utilise Online Advertising

Why you Should Utilise Online Advertising

Contrary to traditional print marketing such as advertising through newspapers, magazines, direct mail, etc., online advertising tools allow businesses to reach a wider spectrum of the market and gives your business the opportunity to reach the right people at the right time.

If it is your assumption that spending money on online advertising is a waste of time and money, then you are missing out on the many benefits and lead opportunities that online advertising mediums can provide.


Does your business have a profile of your ideal customer base, such as demographic and geographic? Instead of aimlessly hoping to reach your ideal customer through print media in the hopes that your target market will view your advertisement at the right time, online advertising provides you with the ability to target and re-target your ideal customer market.

Target a specific population of men aged 18-24 who have recently searched for new soccer gear over the weekend, or perhaps create a broad advertising campaign to run at certain times of the day to target women between the age of 25-34 to ensure that your message is put in front of your target market.

Measurable Results

Online advertising mediums provides us with greater insights into our marketing approaches so that we can continually improve our marketing strategies. With print advertising, there is no way of tracking the exact amount of people who have viewed our advertisement, we can only measure those who have interacted with our ad by calling or emailing the information provided.

Online advertising tools provide you with the exact numbers of; who viewed, interacted, converted to a customer as a result of your ad, and so much more. With this information, you can make an informed decision on how to tailor your marketing strategies to better your ad engagement and ultimately, your ROI.


All advertising mediums come with a cost, some higher than others. Advertising online is highly cost effective compared to traditional marketing in the sense that you are not locked into a contract and there are no upfront charges. Any changes in ad budget can be applied instantly and at the click of a button. Limit what you wish to spend on a daily or monthly basis on a ‘pay as you go’ model as you are charged only when a user clicks on your ad or per thousand impressions (views) of your ad.

Customisation and Creativity

If you find after 30 days, for example, that your online advertising campaign is not performing to the best of its ability – change it. Unlike newspaper, magazine, or billboard advertising, you can easily edit your ad campaign as you see fit and as often as you like. Keep up with latest trends by editing text or the images used in your campaign at the click of a button.

Experiment in various rich media ads such video ads to give your advert an edge and use A/B testing to evaluate which ad sets perform better than others.

Brand Recognition

Increase brand recognition through online ads by utilising the internet’s constant presence. Create striking campaigns to build interest in your products or services in which users can notice, interact with, and share. Use this generated interest to create new targeted ads with messages that are tailored to improve brand recall and engagement.

Online advertising has become a crucial part of a business’s marketing mix as it provides many benefits that cannot be found through traditional marketing. Get directly in front of your target audience and make the most of your budget online.