Remote Support

To assist in saving your business money, we offer remote support services. These services are provided via phone, email, and/or screen-sharing to diagnose and resolve any issues that may have arisen – without requiring the added expense of an on-site visit.

We take security very seriously which is why all our remote support services are conducted in the strictest confidentiality.

Remote Support Services

Some of the remote support services we provide are:

IT Consulting

A member of our team are happy to answer any IT related queries you may have via phone or email.

Computer Performance

Computer running slower than usual? We can connect with you to determine any issues that may be affecting your computer performance.

Software Installation

We are happy to assist you with the installation of new softwares on your computer or laptop.


Errors keep popping up on your screen? Or perhaps a program won’t open or work anymore? We can connect with you to diagnose workstation and software issues.


If there is a service not listed here that you believe can be done remotely, please contact us. If it cannot be done remotely, contact us to discuss how we may help.

Contact us today if you are in need of remote IT support to discuss how we can help